Friday, August 5, 2011

The fertility fears of the religious right

First, I must correct Ana. The USA is right at the replacement rate, and may actually be slightly under at 2.06. The population has grown largely due to immigration (which also includes all those South Korean, African, etc. babies people like to adopt, by the way). I added the above video to mainly focus on Steve King, particularly the part about a "dying civilization." At the end of the video, Sam suggests that this "part of a Sharia law...campaign." That is much of what it is. Part of it is likely also part of a pro-white campaign as well. The fertility rate of white people in this country is below the replacement rate. To better understand what King is saying, I present the following video:

This is the type of fear mongering that the right likes to spread. I think ideas like this are even worse in Europe, but we are starting to see more of it here in the USA as well. The video does a good job of mixing fact with fiction. It is true that the replacement rate is around 2.11. However, we start seeing fiction shortly after when the video says that a rate of 1.3 is "impossible to reverse," but then immediately goes on to say "because it would take 80-100 years to correct itself." Well, if it can correct itself, then it's not impossible to reverse, is it? "Impossible," then, is a buzz-word that attempts to exaggerate the seriousness of such a birthrate and feed fear. After that, we are told, "There is no economic model that can sustain a culture during that time." Well, they I suggest we get some economists on that and figure out a solution!

The video then goes over the birth rates across Europe. Some of those countries actually have higher birth rates. Spain is closer to 1.5, for example. However, I suspect they are looking at the non-Muslim population, since Spain has a high Muslim population. Because the next things they do is show how many Muslims are emigrating into Europe and look how they are breeding like rabbits!

Now, I grant I do have concerns myself. I do worry about the numbers of people who hold ridiculous religious beliefs possibly being on the rise, but I don't care about the religion. Fundamental Islam is just as much of a threat to humanity as fundamental Christianity. So, unlike these people on the religious right, the way to tackle this problem that I propose is to be critical of religious beliefs. In fact, let's be critical of any belief that is not founded on evidence. [Cringes at the fact I have not written a post on skepticism.] I have heard it said that the next generation of immigrants usually integrate into their society quite well. So, even if you have immigrants who are radical Muslims, their children could end up being quite different from their parents if the culture is not composed of radical Muslims. And that is why I think encouraging skeptical and critical thinking is the best solution. I don't give a crap if they are not white. People are people. Or I should say humans are humans. That, and skin color is skin deep.

I am also disappointed with the fertility rates of Muslims, like those on the right, but not because they are Muslims. Rather, I'm not happy that they are not helping to keep the world population down!

Also, where is the concern for eastern Asia? China - 1.54 fertility rate. (By the way, their economy has been doing OK thus far.) Japan - 1.21!!! If that doesn't send a strong message that this is all about fear mongering to stir up white Christians, I don't know what will.

At any rate, this is the sort of fear that drives the comments of those like Steve King. And it's the sort of fear that drove people like Anders Behring Breivik. The part that scares me is that this man does not appear to be the fundamentalist* Christian he was reported to be. He was sympathetic with Christian culture and knew some Bible verses, but he admittedly did not practice much. But what if he had actually been a fundamental Christian?
* It may be that he could be considered a fundamentalist Christian based on Norway's standards, as they are not a very religious nation. He would not have been a fundamentalist by American standards.

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